7 Tips for Web Designers to Stay Motivated in Current Environment

As the world is facing from Covid19 virus (Coronavirus disease), more and more businesses are shutting down. As a result, more and more people are either opting for freelance jobs or working from home. But there are certain challenges attached with freelance work. Designing lucrative and beautiful websites has become a part of lifestyle for […]

stay motivated

7 Tips for Web Designers to Stay Motivated in Current Environment

Posted on May, 13, 2020 I Elise

As the world is facing from Covid19 virus (Coronavirus disease), more and more businesses are shutting down. As a result, more and more people are either opting for freelance jobs or working from home. But there are certain challenges attached with freelance work.

Designing lucrative and beautiful websites has become a part of lifestyle for most of the web designers. You have to do web-related things even when you’re not working, to stay updated with the latest in web industry.

It is passion for web designing that keeps you engrossed in your work. However, despite passion and love for your work, there might be times when things start to bore you. During such times, looking at computer is the last thing you want to do, leave alone working on a website.

But what if you have deadlines to meet or need to work being a part of an organization?

In such scenarios, you have to take care of a number of things that can motivate and help you stay focused on work. This is important because the design schools will only teach aspects of web designing, dealing with clients, etc.

Hence, staying motivated should be the topmost priority for you. Here are few of the most effective ways to stay motivated as a web designer.

  • Take a break every once in a while

While being passionate about something is a good thing, you don’t have to overdo it. Since your life is mostly connected to computer and internet, everything you need is at arm’s length. But that doesn’t mean you keep sitting on your workplace even on weekends.

Remember that you’re not a robot. You need to have good amount of sleep, while managing the workload effectively. Take a break every once in a while, and disconnect yourself from work. It will help you deal better with the stresses of life and boost productivity.

If you have a lot of work that you can’t even get proper sleep, then learn to manage your clients and projects. Rather than saying yes to every project, choose the right ones and complete them on deadline.

  • Try new things in your project

When you work on same kind of projects for a long time, it might become boring for you. Writing same HTML and CSS code, and working with same tools every day might not motivate you to keep working. If this is the case, then give try to new projects and new tools.

There are plenty of new tools and techniques available on the internet which you must try. For example, you can try using WordPress to build a blog or website, push new HTML and CSS coding techniques, work on Bootstrap 4 Templates etc.

If you try a thing which you have never tried before, it becomes challenging for you, hold your interest and provides practical experience.

  • Avoid things that distract you

While working on a project, try to avoid the things that distract you. The main distractions can include social media platforms, emails, instant messaging, etc. When you use these things during work, you not only waste your time, but also lose a part of your thoughts. Hence, your mind wonders about things you browsed a few minutes ago.

The distractions can decrease the time you need to spend on your work. The best tip for staying motivated during work is to block out or limit the distraction.

  • Attend relevant conferences, meet other web designers

Attending conferences related to your industry is another good idea to learn new things. At conferences, there will be numerous enthusiasts and professionals with a decade of experience in web designing. Listening to them can provide you innovative ideas that you might want to embrace and implement in your own work.

Further, conferences are a good medium to collaborate with other geeks like you. People there will make you realize that what you are doing is an interesting work. When you know that your work holds utmost importance to thousands of professionals, you feel valued. Hence, attending conferences is one of the best ideas for motivation.

  • Stay open to learning

A crucial need for any job or passion is to learn new things and broaden the knowledge. Same goes with web designing. Always remain open to learning, because you can’t go with the same knowledge throughout your career.

In leisure, learn about latest technology trends in your industry, new tools, modern designs, etc. For example, you can learn about new, user-friendly CMS (content management systems), like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.

  • Change location or working environment

Nowadays, everybody is working with a laptop rather than a personal computer. If you’re one of this sort, then you can consider changing your workplace to bring a change in mood. For instance, you can visit a nearby café, library, or coffee shop. Since, you’re having a laptop, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Doing this can refresh your mood and relax your mind, at the same time you can continue to work. You can opt for a number of places or areas, where you can go and work comfortably when you are feeling low.

  • Work on your own project

There is a difference between working for clients or an agency and working on a personal project. When you work for someone else, you don’t get to choose the kind of projects. They’re assigned to you by third-party.

On the other hand, when you choose to start your own project, you can do anything you want to do. You can try new things and implement the ideas you had in your head for a long time.

Trying new things as a web designer can include designing a mobile application, your own font, make your own website, etc. Also, you can choose to help other web designers by preparing tutorials and sharing them with beginners.

  • Change your company

Sometimes, you don’t enjoy your work even if you are passionate about it. This might be because of the company you work for, the people around you, or even your boss.

In such cases, it is better to change the company. Although it is a big step, but nothing is worth it if you’re not enjoying your work.

Wrapping up:

Web designing is a creative work, and you’ll enjoy it only if you have passion for it. But things can become boring sometimes because of several factors. We hope the tips mentioned in this post will help you stay motivated. What do you do to stay motivated?

May 13 2020

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